TGB Scooter And ATV Enthusiast Forum

R50X starting problems

Guest · 3 · 3655


  • Guest
Hi there, Just found this forum, so i'm new here.

I have had my R50X for almost a year and have had problem free riding....until 2-3 months ago. I found that i was unable to start the bike using the auto start and had to kick start it. I would push the auto start and the bike would crank over and over but not fire. I would then use the kick start and it would fire into life on the first kick. I checked the plug and it seemed to be getting clogged.

I changed the plug and i was able to use the auto start for a few days and then the plug would clog up again. I also found that if i rode for 10mintues and then stopped (for gas or shoping) the bike would not start at all, it would just crank over and over until i pulled out the plug, checked the gap, gave it a scrape and it would then start using the kick start. I thought the fuel mix was too rich and the air filter may be the problem...not enough air entering the carb...mixture too rich...clogged plug...

I changed the air filter (anyone looked at the air filter? It's a strange filter, my local scooter shop said it was weird) and cleaned the plug.....and was able to use the auto start again...this lasted only a few days and i am back to kick starting it again... it starts first time when kick starting it.

I am considering pulling out the Carb and giving it a clean to make sure there are no porblems with the jets. Can anyone suggest anything else that could be causing my bike not to sart using the auto start?



  • Guest
Hi there,
This has been a problem with the r50x,take it back to where you bought it and they should fix it free of charge.



  • Guest
What is the problem then,  the Magneto and/or Strator?