TGB Scooter And ATV Enthusiast Forum

Change your gear oil guys

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Hi all,
As some of you know I have a 10 year old TGB 202T which I have just put back on the road the scoot has done 8500 miles (at least as the speedo hasnt worked for years), its standard minus the variator washer plus a free flow exhaust. At top speed, 30mph there was a resonation from the rear under my backside which was rather anoying. Looking at the drain and fill bungs on the transmission told me that this scoot had not been serviced for a long time so getting a small container (plastic dish my sweet and sour came in from our local chinese- handy eh even do the drain trays) I cleaned  off both the bungs removed the fill first then the drain. Good god what came out could best be discribed as mud. I checked for metal by draging a magnet through the oil and was supprised that there was very little filings in it. (Wont check for alloy though) After it had fully drained I replaced the lower bung and filled it with fresh 85W/90 oil, put the fill bung in and took it for a ride, it was a different scoot and seemed to have lost a couple of years age. When I got back I drained it again whilst it was warm and flushed out even more sludge. When I refilled it again I put a couple of squirts of gearbox Molyslip in first (about 10ml) then topped up with fresh oil again. A perfect tool for filling your gearbox up is a syringe, so talk to your local addict and get yourself a usefull tool.
I have now done about 25 mile since the oil change and its a lot better.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 01:06:40 AM by BMR »