TGB Scooter And ATV Enthusiast Forum

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TGB's For Sale / TGB 101S for Sale in Eastern NC
« Last post by jmgard58 on February 03, 2024, 01:33:01 PM »
I have a 2005 TGB 101S that hasn't been driven for about 5 years. It's been stored my a basement and still pretty good shape except battery is dead and the fuel supply system is probably clogged.

Is there anyone in or near Eastern NC that would be interested in adopting it?
Target & Blade / Re: TGB Blade 1000 Question of Mechanically inclined
« Last post by TGB 1000 on February 13, 2023, 07:21:20 AM »
Thank you.... :) yea I figured some would be normal getting bit of oil and gas in airbox but gas in the crankcase oil is perplexing.
Target & Blade / Re: TGB Blade 1000 Question of Mechanically inclined
« Last post by harry on February 12, 2023, 11:32:11 AM »
so that is normal to have some gas in the air boxes
also i removed your duplicate post

Target & Blade / TGB Blade 1000 Question of Mechanically inclined
« Last post by TGB 1000 on February 10, 2023, 09:39:32 AM »
Hi new to TGB ATV and curious anyones thoughts of problem having .. I have Blade 1000 as in my name haha.. Well I got it used and found gas smell in oil crankcase so replaced oil filter and oil .. Seemed ok for a while now its back at it again .. I know can be possibly several things but also not familiar with the Air intake on this unit.. When replaced Air filter top tank is somewhat ok but lower area of tank under filter lower section looks to be gas in puddle of  bottom of tank .. Otherwise runs fine and the level in bottom doesn't seem to change so thinking its normal but sloshes around I think getting gas on the air filter.
General Discussion / Re: TGB Bullet 150
« Last post by 150 on August 26, 2022, 12:06:15 AM »
Hi, I have the same problem except mine isn't starting at all, mechanic says it's the starter clutch. Cheers
General Discussion / Bleeder screw dust cap
« Last post by grioghair on May 24, 2022, 07:05:46 AM »
I am hoping this board isn’t obsolete now. I just need to know where I can get a replacement dust cap for my bleeder screw. I was just bleeding my brake fluid and it broke. There is nothing in the parts manual.

I am using a TGB Delivery 50 from 2018

Thank you to anyone who can help

TGB's For Sale / Posted to wrong board
« Last post by grioghair on May 24, 2022, 07:03:43 AM »
101 S / Re: Restrictions on a 2004 TGB 101S
« Last post by harry on April 24, 2022, 08:28:33 AM »
open the side cover and remove the restrictor it looks like a wedding ring
101 S / Restrictions on a 2004 TGB 101S
« Last post by quickatgaspump on April 19, 2022, 02:30:58 PM »
I have a 2004 TGB 101S that goes around 35 mph and at 35 mph, it seems like there's something holding it back from reaching its top speed.  I know about the CDI restriction, which was done by the previous owner.  I have not opened the CVT case to see if there's a restrictor in there.  I have opened the air box and didn't see a restrictor there either.  Perhaps there's a restrictor in the exhaust, but I am not sure because I haven't removed it to check.  Is there someone on this forum that can tell me what may be holding it back?  I have owned TGB Key West scooters in the past and each of those had a higher top end for some reason.

Thanks in advance for any reply.
Express 50 Delivery Scooter / Re: E10
« Last post by harry on June 10, 2021, 08:23:38 AM »
short answer-- yes
but it will attract water and as you know that can be bad
if you ride it a lot your ok . except in the winter when your scoot
may sit idle for a couple of months .

i always put non ethanol gas in mine. never have an issue even after
6 or 9 months of the scooter resting during winter and i'm in the rainy  pacific northwest.
all my rental scooters start right up every spring too .
